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CBSE->Std 8 Questions

Total Questions 1510
why photo synthesis is not found in humman body
a pendulam takes 30s to takes 15 oscilation. what is its time period?
what is the adjective opposite for fertile
HINDI CLASS 5 what is the meaning of [lagan in dhene ka kya karnn bathay)
1) an electric pole casts a shadow of length 20meters at a time when a tree 6meters high casts a shadow of length 8meters . find the height of the pole?
Which gases are involved in global warming? What is effect of gase s in our environment?
draw a number line and represent -5/2, 5/2,-7/2 and 7/2 on it?
find the interest on Rs.500 for a period of 4yrs at rate of 8% p'a'Also find the amount to be paid at the end of the period?
the sides of triangle are in the ratio 1;2;3 if the perimeter is 36cm find its side ?
a) x:96 = 16 : 18 b) x:92 = 87 : 116
a car can cover a distance of 522km on 36 liters of petrol. how far can it travel on 14 liters of petrol?
what is photosynthesis?
why smoke rises up?
why sky is blue in colour?
Which gases are involved in global warming? what is the gases in our environment?
what is global warming?
what is green house effect?
The length and breadth of a rectangular piece of land are 500m and 300m respectively. (1) its area (2)the cost of the land,if 1m square of land costs Rs 10,000
what do you mean by vibratory motion